Walk (vicariously) with Wendy!

My home is a cabin deep in the Maine Woods. I invite you to join me as I experience the joys and challenges of remote, off-the-grid living—and as I roam the woods in search of new wonders—by reading the blog posts below and by subscribing to my blog.

In the spring of 2019, I hiked the easternmost segment of the coast-to-coast American Discovery Trail, starting on the Delaware shore and heading to West Virginia, teaching and learning along the way. You can jump directly to the story of this two-month pilgrimage by clicking here.

— Wendy Weiger, Achor Earth Ways Founder

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Blog: Walking with Wendy

The Maine Woods are the realm of moose and lynx, eagles and brook trout, rugged mountains and whitewater rivers. In nighttime satellite photos, the forest is a large black island of darkness that stands in sharp contrast to the white froth of human lights all around. There are millions of acres to explore. From 2011-2019, I shared my wanderings through this wild-feeling region in photo-essays that I posted on Facebook; you will find a sampling here.  I chronicle my adventures from 2020 onward in my blog below.

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    Welcome Summer!

    This year, the Summer Solstice fell on June 21 at 5:15 AM. At that moment, the Northern Hemisphere made its closest approach to the sun, yielding the longest day and shortest night of the year. Six months earlier, on the Winter Solstice, days were seven hours shorter, and nights seven hours longer. In northern Maine,...
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    Word from the Woods: Spring!

    Over the weeks since my last post, spring has slowly transformed the woods around my cabin. The melting of winter’s snow and ice has had two major practical impacts on my life. First, my graywater system has thawed! You may recall that, as of January 25, it was frozen solid, and my sink drain had...
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    Word from the Woods: Mud Season – and the Eagles Return!

    Today, April 8, has been a typical early-spring day in the Maine Woods: gray and showery, with a high temperature around 41 Fahrenheit. My cabin sits on land that slopes gently southward to the shore of First Roach Pond. As winter’s snow gradually melts, the expanse of sodden bare ground around my cabin expands a...
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    Word from the Woods: Off-Grid Homekeeping

    In Little Women, Louisa May Alcott famously wrote that “Housekeeping ain’t no joke.” These words were spoken by Hannah, the March family’s maid, who labored to maintain a clean and comfortable home without benefit of modern appliances. In my off-the-grid cabin, washing dishes and doing laundry often feel like major projects. Before I even get...
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    American Discovery Trail