I’ve been a “green friar” of Kairos Earth, a God- and nature-centered spiritual community based in Canterbury, New Hampshire, since 2014.
Our ultimate goal is simple: to fall in love with and to serve God and the Earth, which together sustain all life. Rooted in the Christian tradition and in scientific understanding, we embrace insights from and collaboration with people of many faiths.
Kairos Earth seeks to renew a widespread understanding of the natural world as a bearer of the sacred and to restore this awareness as a foundation of both religious practice and practical action to conserve the Earth.
Kairos Earth operates Church of the Woods, which honors nature as a sacred expression of the wisdom and love of its Creator. Church of the Woods provides a model for Christian worship that is new, yet deeply grounded in ancient Biblical tradition. All are welcome to attend weekly services, which are offered every Sunday afternoon. For more details, visit http://kairosearth.org/events/.