I love the tranquility of my cabin in a winter storm. I try to bring in plenty of firewood and water before the new accumulation obliterates my well-packed paths to the woodshed and pump. Then I settle into my warm cocoon. Through my windows, I watch the snow drift down onto my woods and the...Read More
Seven of the past seventeen mornings have dawned in the range of minus 10 to minus 30 Fahrenheit. The snow cover – 12 inches or so – is less than usual for this time of year. Put those two factors together, and they translate into the ground freezing more deeply than usual. Unfortunately, this deep...Read More
Since December 29, when I returned from spending Christmas with friends in Greenville, I’ve settled comfortably into winter solitude at my cabin. For those of you who would like a quick tour of my abode, here’s a video I recently posted on YouTube: A friend recently commented that my cabin is “very hygge,” using the...Read More
Wishing my blog friends a happy, healthy New Year! Here’s a brief video of my celebration at my cabin. May you all find opportunities to get outside and enjoy the wonders of winter, Wendy Read More
My last post was on the Winter Solstice, December 21. That afternoon and evening, I monitored the evolving prediction for a snowstorm the following day. I realized this would be the storm that closed the unplowed gravel roads leading to my cabin for the winter. I would need to get my Subaru out to a...Read More
Winter greetings from Achor Earth Ways! Each of you reading this appeal has supported our mission: by donating funds, by purchasing our book, or by subscribing to our founder Wendy Weiger’s blog. We are very grateful for your contributions. You are a vital part of our work. Our mission is to guide people into deeper,...Read More
Winter Solstice greetings from the Maine Woods! As I mentioned in my last post, I’ll be chronicling my adventures this winter in a series of videos I’m calling “Word from the Woods.” I invite you to join me in my cabin as I celebrate the year’s longest night, and on the shore of First Roach...Read More
Holiday greetings to all my blog friends! I’m settled back into my cabin on First Roach Pond for my second off-the-grid winter. Last winter, I posted photo essays about my experiences every couple of weeks. For those of you who missed some of them, they’re all archived at www.wendyweiger.com/blog-walking-with-wendy/. This winter, I’m going to try...Read More
You may be asking, what is a nemophilist? According to Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913), a nemophilist is “One who is fond of forest or forest scenery; a haunter of the woods.” This delightful word has fallen out of use over the past century. I vote to bring it back – it suits me perfectly,...Read More
Five months ago, in mid-May, the first tender green leaves of spring unfurled in my woods. Now, in mid-October, they are falling in a blaze of exuberant color. Their reds, oranges, and yellows seem to shout defiance against winter’s encroaching darkness. Three days ago, after the sun climbed above Shaw Mountain, illuminating my land, I...Read More